Hmmm, what mystery series to delve into next? Got a trip planned and have that elusive time to read? A cozy fireside to read next to? It is supremely satisfying to find a series that you love and anticipate the next volume being released. These five series are ones that I watch for. Several of them have rich cultural settings and bring an interesting peek into a different world from our own.
The Li Du Trilogy is one such series that is fascinating to read the mindset and times of one area in China during the Medieval era. The Bangalore Detective Club is set in 1920’s India. Getting to see inside the village and mindset of a foreign world and what makes people tick is expanding and enriching beyond the mystery.

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1. Li Du Trilogy by Elsa Hart

Follow Li Du, former librarian to the Chinese emperor, on his travels through China as an exile. He encounters hidden plots, eccentric characters, and exotic surroundings. In his newfound role of puzzle solver and detective, he is hounded by the one puzzle that he cannot solve-the real reason behind his banishment.
This series is written in a refreshing new setting with an inside glance into a completely different cultural perspective. Elsa Hart does an excellent job portraying the traditions and common life of the surrounding areas of China in the 1700’s reflecting on the Jesuit relationship with the emperor as well as religious and traditional thoughts of the time.
If you are looking for a series built on rich surroundings steeped in culture and tradition, this is the book series for you.
2. Vintage National Park Mystery Series by Karen Barnett

Love national parks and mysteries? Karen Barnett is a former forest ranger who has set these mysteries in the beautiful landscapes of well-known national parks in the 1920’s-1940’s. She captures the beauty of the settings and the historical building of many of the parks and lodges we enjoy today. Did you know that it used to be a nightly ritual to watch the bonfire embers go down the waterfall each evening from the lodge?
One of the endearing qualities of this series is the strong emphasis on chivalry and integrity. In each of these books there is of course a mystery but also a side story of romance and redemption. It leaves you with an uplifted and encouraged note. Also, you will want to get a forest pass.
Did you know that you can see the actual fire fall from the book?
3. An Island Sisters Mystery Series by Hannah Dennison

The remote but elegant resort hotel set on islands off the coast of England in this new modern day series by Hannah Dennison. With it’s strange guests, old worn out décor, the stormy weather, and abandoned lighthouse, it has a touch of “Clue” about it.
Two sisters end up taking over the managing of the old resort as the mysteries keep on coming. What is the real reason one of the sisters is there anyway? Can they trust anyone on the island?
4. Aunt Dimity Series by Nancy Atherton

One of the all time favorite fireside mystery series, follow as Lori and her family move to a small English countryside village to an inherited cottage. The mysterious blue journal in the cottage study brings an invisible visitor who writes in an old fashioned script to answer her in conversation. With local mysteries to solve, this series does a great job developing the local characters and village life.
A series to take to the lake or on a trip for a relaxing and gentle read. The mysteries in this series range from the classic murder who-dun-it to simply the question of who moved into the empty cottage down the road.
5. Bangalore Detective Club by Harini Nagendra

Kaveri is a young bride in a small village of India in 1921. She dreams of finishing school and going on to college but that is not something her mother-in-law sees as the proper future for a traditional wife. She studies her math and teaches the neighbor to read in secret. When local mysteries arise, she uses her logic to track down clues. Kaveri is head strong and not afraid to interact with those in other social status levels much to the chagrin of her higher class acquaintances.
Full of culture and tradition, this is an interesting read to bring along as your next beach read or fireside cozy corner. It gives a good look into the plight of the poor, the role of women, as well as the changing world and colorful world of India.