When we were just looking into sailing and what that means, there are a huge array of resources to learn what you need to know to be a sailor. In this short article, I want to highlight sailing books that are at the top of the list for your sailing reference library. As we all know, boat maintenance and repair never stops. These would be great gifts for that new sailor or the new-to-you boat owner.
Once you have your boat up and running, there are always helpful books for the next phase: where to go sailing, routes and regulations for international cruising, manuals for best electronic equipment. I think you can be collecting and reading sailing and boat related books for a good long while before you have maxed out the subject. We are always looking for recommendations, so please feel free to comment which books have been helpful to you.
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Sailing and Boot Books by Don Casey
Don Casey has written a series of books that are indispensable when sailing. From what to look for when considering buying, to taking the electrical apart, his books are pretty worn in by my husband.

The Holy Grail of Old Boats
Speaking of Don Casey, his book This Old Boat is the holy grail of repairing and maintaining a used sailboat. If you plan on purchasing, restoring, or repairing a boat or sails yourself then this is the book for you. Subjects covered in this book:
- Choosing boats
- Matching function to your why as a sailor
- Assigning order to renovations
- The basic 8 skills
- Fiberglass, scratches, gouges, adding laminates
- Repairing windows, walls, hatches
- Rigging, wires, fittings
- Levers, pulleys, screws, blocks, winches
- Steering systems, rudders
- Engines, props
- Wood, shaping, joining, storage, decking
- Circuits, wiring, amps, batteries
- Hoses, water systems, pumps, filters
- Water tanks and heads
- Refrigeration
- Sanding, paint, polishing, varnishing technique
- Sewing machines, lee cloth, weather cloth
- Storage, curtains, cushions
- Making, repairing sails
- Rigging knots
Best practices for sailors
Chapman Piloting: Seamanship and Small Boat Handling
This boating (now on its 69th edition) and sailing book is a must to learn the proper way to use your boat whether it is a motor boat or a sailboat. Knowing the right way to maneuver with wind and elements and also how to handle your boat around other boats and docks. There are specific regulations and traditional methods of interacting on busy waters. Not knowing these universal laws can make or break you or your boat. Here are subjects covered in this book:
- Boat language and terminology: boat types, parts
- Paperwork, licenses
- Safety regulations and requirements
- Emergency and first aid situations
- Navigation rules and signals
- Lights and positioning regulations
- Boat design, load, engines
- Trailer requirements
- Rudder and engine maneuvering
- Docking and tight spaces
- Sail and rigging techniques
- Types and purpose of different sails
- Boat handling in adverse conditions
- Assistance and towing
- Anchoring techniques
- Ropes, knots, hitches, splicing
- Block and tackles
- Understanding weather and clouds
- Pressure changes and storms
- Weather map symbols
- Marine charts, currents, wind
- Tides and charts
- Compass types and readings
- Charts and bearings
- Piloting tools
- Lines of position
- Radio and radar navigation
- Inland waterways, canals, locks
- Buoys, beacons, lights
- Electrical equipment
- Communication systems, flags
- Customs