Cedarbirch Musings faith section is a collection of Biblical inspirational and devotional articles.
Our Ponder Moment series is designed to help you spend a few moments reconnecting with your Creator using free printables that you can write the focus Bible verses and then let your mind think on the principle in them while you color in the design around them.
Spending Time With God

Begin your journey of article here with Bible verse contemplation while you color in the pictures then move on to topical articles.
Tame the Brain Chaos and Increase Love
What does brain chaos and love have to do with each other? Why does taming one increase the other? It’s all based on truth– absolute truth not subjective…
The Expensive 2 Cents- Having an Opinion
Dear Homeschool Mom of Graduates
As graduation quickly looms for my teens, I find that I am faced with an identity crisis of sorts. For over 13 years, I have been a homeschool…
Is Your Perspective Informed? 7 Christian Apologetics Tools for High School and Beyond
We all have perspectives, it’s part of being human. The way we were raised, life experiences, who we spend our time with, what we read and watch. Opinions…
The Essential Art of the 3 Second Predictive Skill
What is the 3 second predictive skill? It is the ability to pause and quickly think ahead to what will happen if… For example: What will most likely…
21 Christmas Advent Scripture Reading Plans
Christmas Advent… the time when we are so excited to decorate and focus on the birth of Jesus with special advent readings. Yet, the time comes so quickly,…
A Pocket Verse for Simple Stress Management
Why Do We Pray? 7 Important Reasons
A look into the nature of God’s will through prayer. Have you ever wondered: why do we pray? If God has a plan and His will is going…
Spiritual Battle | 4 Powerful Warfare Tools
What does spiritual warfare look like and specific ways to be strong What does spiritual battle for families look like? Satan is smarter than you think and can…
Brilliant Forgiveness: 3 Practical Steps How
Forgiveness, that heavy and at-once light word. The paradox of dark and light that is the puzzle of those who are in the throes of needing to give…
The Magic of the Meaning “To Have Faith”
Have you ever stopped and wondered what the word faith really means and what it is to have faith? As a Christian, we hear the word “faith” spoken…