There are quite a few options to order homeschool annual tests. Firstly though, what does your state require for annual testing? If you are not sure, you can always check with the HSLDA by state to see the laws and which tests are accepted.
Annual testing is not hard to do at home, just set aside a section of time and celebrate when you are done whether you administer it with the traditional fill-in-the-bubble or you have them proctored by someone else. Get yourselves some ice cream and relax that you have checked that off your list. In Washington State, the test results are for you only and will not be reported to any agency.
One thing to note: some tests can only be ordered during certain times of the year so be sure to check the time brackets offered.
But Where To Get Homeschool Annual Tests?
There are a number of mail order and online options for you to choose from. You will usually be “renting” the testing supplies and returning them for scoring. Some testing can be available through local hybrid co-ops as well such as Classical Conversations. Here are a few well-established options:

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Family Learning Organization
The Family Learning Organization offers 5 standardized tests for homeschool:
- Stanford 10™ Online (untimed but scheduled over 2 days with Family Learning Organization)
- TerraNova® 2nd Edition (CAT/6)
- TerraNova® 1st Edition (CTBS)
- California Achievement Test (CAT/5®)
- CAT/5® Survey
They have a great test comparison chart so you can more clearly see what each type of test encompasses. In addition, they offer two non-testing assessment options for those that prefer this method. Test prep options are also available.
Pricing for standardized tests runs from $30-$40 per test and there is a two week time limit on testing materials. I find their website to be very clear and helpful with added articles on homeschool issues.
Seton has a straightforward website to maneuver with clear instructions and a great test comparison chart. They offer several test options:
- TerraNova® 2nd Edition (CAT/6)
- Stanford 10™ Online (untimed but scheduled over 2 days with Seton)
- CAT/5® Survey
- Iowa Tests Form E
Pricing for each test ranges from $35-$45. All tests except the Stanford 10 have a two week rental period. Seton offers aptitude testing as well as several diagnostic testing options. There are helpful how-to videos for filling in the forms if you need extra help.
Christian Liberty Press
You may know Christian Liberty Press for their great nature readers. Christian Liberty Press is the publishing house branch of a multi-faceted educational organization that offers class enrollment, curriculum kits, transcript and diploma services, testing, and book store. They offer the following test:
- California Achievement Test (CAT/5®) online and print options
Test price is $25 and for an additional fee you can receive a report of which materials they publish would best match your student needs. There is a 60 day return policy with the possibility of a partial refund as well. They do explain their position on offering the 1970 version.
Academic Excellence
We first used Academic Excellence for their online untimed testing option and it was simple and easy. They offer:
- California Achievement Test (CAT/5®) Paper version (timed)
- California Achievement Test (CAT/5®) Online version (timed)
- California Achievement Test (CAT/5®) Online version (untimed)
Price for testing is $25 per test and no time limit for rental (check at time of purchase). Other services they offer include ID cards, diplomas, and transcript services. Advanced assessment result analysis is available with curriculum recommendations for an additional fee.
Piedmont Education Services
Piedmont Education Services (PESDirect) is a publishing and testing services organization. They offer the following tests:
- California Achievement Test (CAT/5®)
- TerraNova® 2nd Edition (CAT/6)
- Advantage Practice Test
They offer a range of printed materials for homeschoolers, most notably an animal studies series as well as transcript services, diplomas, and a record book. Tests are $40-$45 per test and there is a two week time limit on testing materials.
Triangle Education Assessments
Triangle Education Assessments offers these tests for homeschoolers:
- Iowa Tests Form E
- Iowa Test Form A
- Stanford 10™ Online (untimed but scheduled over 2 days with Traingle)
- Stanford 10™ Paper version (untimed)
- TerraNova® 2nd Edition (CAT/6)
- The Woodcock-Johnson
Prices range from $42-$95 per test. They also offer educational services for AIG/ Giftedness program eligibility and help with special needs/ IEP’s.
Hewitt Learning
Hewitt Learning offers the P.A.S.S. test which is now approved in many states for annual testing. This test is meant to be given twice a year. Price is $42 for one test and a 30 day time limit. Of note is Hewitt’s comic series connecting piano with Chemistry. Hewett also offers literature packs as well as a portal to the yearly National Innovators Challenge.
Homeschool Testing Services
Homeschool Testing Services is uses by Classical Conversation chapters all over the country as well as non-members:
- Stanford 10™ Online (untimed but scheduled over 2 days)
- CTP Online via Zoom (timed but scheduled over 2 days and administered via Zoom)
Prices range from $55-$85 and must be scheduled. Homeschool Testing Services website has an easy to see and maneuver calendar of test dates when you click on register for each of the test types.
Local Educational Facilities
If you would rather have a test locally proctored or a non-test assessment, you might be able to find one through your local homeschool organization or school. If you are local to Yakima, you can schedule testing through Homelink. They offer a group homeschool annual test day (IOWA test) as well as individual assessments with a teacher that can be scheduled independently. The cost is $55 for the group test and $100 for the individual assessment.
We have used the individual testing in the past and it took about 1-1 1/2 hour. It was low stress and individualized for each of my children’s needs. It was a good soft introduction to the concept of testing for my then very young children (one with dyslexia). The administrator of the “test” was very kind and conversational with the kids and the report/ analysis was helpful to me as I started out on the homeschool journey.

For older students, we are fans of the Classical Learning Test (CLT). The test can be done at home, online, and proctored by a parent. Results are released in one week. You do need to complete the test on specified testing days, but there are multiple dates per year. Current tests are CLT8 (7th/8th grade) CLT10 (9th-10th) and CLT (11th-12th). Prices are $34, $44, and $54, respectively. New tests for grades 3 and up are in the works. Tests meet legal requirements for Washington state (and several others). The CLT exam is accepted by over 200 colleges in lieu of the SAT or ACT, with scholarships available for top scores. You can find more info here:
Excellent information-thank you!