Easy to print and use printables and swag
Visit our pdf printables shop for educational or motivational resources. We have our items on Etsy or TeachersPayTeachers– we’ve included both links for your preference.
Animal Unit Studies
Printable mini units on unusual animals of the world. Easy to use, just print out and go. Resource links for optional additional hands-on activities are included. These are perfect for the independent upper elementary through high school student. Each unit includes a student worksheet for answering questions based on internet linked educational artices or videos, extra activity sheet, a wacky animal gallery portrait, and additional hands-on activity links. The student worksheet can be completed in approximately one hour and additional hands-on activities vary depending on choice. All links that are used can be viewed at any time on the Fur, Fuzz, and Fangs page listing.
Homeschool Badges
Celebrate those life skill achievements and milestones with simple pdf badges to print on sticker paper for different stages of learning. Each bundle includes one full sticker sheet of badges plus two options of colored banners. Easy to assemble and get started, help motivate your child with a visual accomplishment banner.
Reading Challenges/ Bookmarks / Gift Tags
Beautiful large tags that can be used for gifts or as unique bookmarks. You can print on cardstock or laminate them for durability. Some have interactive reading challenges for the kids that are great for summer.

Floral Garden tags / bookmarks on Etsy

Summer harvest tags / bookmarks on Etsy

Space and Tech Themed Reading Challenge Bookmarks on TpT

Posters and Cards

Digital printable Cortado coffee poster or card on Etsy

Digital printable Doppio coffee poster or card on Etsy

Digital printable Cappuccino coffe poster or card on Etsy
Don’t want to print it yourself? These products ship directly to you:
Perfect for unique gift ideas or to put together a gift basket with the bookmark / gift tags above.
Coffee Series

Cortado Drink Recipe Theme T-shirts, bag, mug, hat, magnet, poster, or sticker.

Doppio Drink Recipe Theme T-shirts, bag, mug, magnet, poster, or sticker.

Cappuccino swag: pillow, magent, sticker, t-shirt, pillow, printed wall art.

Cortado Coffee spiral notebook in lined or graphed design.

Have some fun with our Doppio dress socks or leggings.

Got a cook in the house that loves coffee? Check out our Cappuccino apron.
Nature Series

Pretty butterfly and hydrangea bag, mug, sitcker, magnet, phone case, and t-shirt to go with the gift tag or bookmark.

Pacific Northwest apples sticker, shirt, pillow, bag, phone case, wall art to go with your gift tag or bookmark.

The spring crocus desgin is available as a sticker, mug, tote, phone case, wall art, t-shirt and goes perfectly with the spring gift tags.

Looking for a gift? Check out our hydrangea scarf and swag….

How adorable is this little guy? Our PNW Apple bandana looks great on him.

Our cheerful yellow crocus backpack is an uplifting design.

Hear the Spin Vinyl Record Vinrage style t-shirt and swag for the vinyl record collector.

Hear the Spin 2 Vinyl Record Vintage style t-shirt for the men and women you know love records.

Want the baseball hat version? Both vintage designs are available as well as stickers and other swag.
We have a family member with a lot of gut issues along with an immune disease and I was asked to make this humorous design to add a smile to the day. If you know someone who suffers from gut problems, they will understand this funny sticker:

“Let me consult the gut gods” vinyl sticker with blue background.

“Let me consult the gut gods” vinyl sticker with white background.